woensdag 10 juni 2020

Great lover of masturbation......

"Hi Masto, Love your blog, Masto60, just recently became a follower. As you I am a great lover of masturbation and try to find as much time and visuals to pleasure myself each day. 
I mainly edge savoring the lusty feelings that surge through my body and especially my sex toys.
Thank you for your blog and look forward to reading more. I have attached some pics to show my appreciation. Feel free to use them. Best, Roberto"

Deze mail en foto's kreeg Masto van Roberto uit Washington in de VS. Hij schreef dat hij al lang liefhebber is van masturberen, solo en bij voorkeur met anderen.
Fijn om te horen en geil om te zien. Hij schreef ook dat hij foto's bleef maken. Dat waardeert Masto zeer want er is geen geslachtsorgaan gelijk en Roberto's penis en scrotum mag er zeker zijn......!

1 opmerking:

  1. Roberto, I responded on your respond from 9 and 10 of June on this blog. Nice pictures in the garden with lovely balls and dick. The quality from the pics are not good; take a camera next time in stead of a smart phone.
