woensdag 17 maart 2021

Chopstick sounding......

"Greetings Masto, Loving your posts. Thanks to Joost and his posting back in November 2020, I have been getting more into sounding. Over the years I have tried it off and on, testing out various objects, seeing how it feels. I got a plug but it was too big. Finally I found a perfect item, a plastic chop stick, about 18 cms long. Nothing like what Joost has. I finally was able to take it deep, almost 18cms. Like Joost I am a fan. And love the feeling of masturbating my urethra tube on the inside. An incredible feeling and gets me horny reliving that feeling. I also drip a lot. I find I have to hold the stick in otherwise my urethra will eject it, which surprised me. It feels so unusual to feel the object in my penis, very arousing, as you can see in the photo. Take care. Best, Roberto."

Tekst Masto volgt.......

1 opmerking:

  1. Hi Roberto, so nice and glad you like sounding as much as I do..., cumming is so much better!. Keep on practising and share your pictures, I will keep on sharing mine as well. Regards, Joost
