woensdag 12 augustus 2020

Flaccid penises......

"Hi Masto, Your recent posts about flaccid penises are great. Wonderful pictures. I have always been fascinated by penis since grade school. My only regret is not pursuing a more in-depth study, possibly be gay. I totally agree that our pleasure buddies are great in any state, hard or soft, to admire or play with. Seeing them change is so interesting AND erotic, visually and tactically. Also, those of us who enjoy orally stimulating men know how sensual it is to feel a penis get engorged. And thanks to all your horny followers who have contributed such great pictures. Best, Roberto."

Deze mail met foto's kreeg Masto van Roberto van zijn 'kleine jongen'. Heerlijk pretgereedschap in ruste. Hoewel in ruste, toch nog behoorlijk imposant! Kleiner kan Roberto zijn lekkers niet maken als we weten hoe groot deze 'kleine' jongen wel niet kan worden! Enkele blogs terug in vol ornaat te zien......!

You too Roberto, thanks for your wonderful contribution to my blog!

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